Frequently Asked Questions
Create your shop
- How do I start an online shop?
- Are the webshops free?
- What is the cost of your non-free webshops?
- Do I have to sign any contracts or commit to a subscription?
- A webshop at company X costs YYYY. How can you keep the prices so low?
- I have ordered a professional webshop, but I still get the free version?
- Do I need any knowledge of programming or developing websites?
- Does the software work on my Mac or Linux computer?
- Will there be ads on my website?
- Can I create multiple shops at the same time?
- Can I log in to my own shop?
- I have a question, comment or suggestion. How can I contact you?
- How do I upgrade or downgrade to another version?
- The software is too complicated for me, what can I do?
- Can I try your Business version for free?
- I received an e-mail to renew my shop, but I just paid for it
- Can my shop be integrated into an existing website?
- How can I move from my current provider to EasyWebshop?
- Can I also create a website?
- Is my online shop secure?
- Do I need a VAT/Company number to start an online shop?
- Are there extra costs when starting an online shop?
- Can I upgrade my shop on a monthly basis?
- I'm a satisfied customer! How can I thank you?
- Can I contact you by phone?
- How can I renew my shop?
- I have an urgent question: how can I contact you fast?
- Can I use EasyWebshop for educational purposes?
- How can I close my shop during the build-up?
- How much web space do I need?
- How can I log in automatically?
- When will my support ticket be answered?
- What are seniority points?
- How can I add pictures or make my pictures smaller before upload?
- Setting stock or inventory in online shop
- Hiding products and prices
- How to set separate prices for B2B and B2C customers?
- Best practices for structuring an online shop
- How can I set the number of products per page?
- How can I add a product to multiple categories?
- The photo zoomer does not work on all products
- How can I close, cancel or delete my webshop?
- What languages are available?
- How can I change the name or the domain name of my shop?
- What is the activation / verification code for the modules?
- Help, I can't log in anymore!
- I did a backup/export but the file is incomplete
- Which cookies does my shop use?
- How can I copy a complete shop?
- My shop is down / offline!
- How does the shopping cart work in EasyWebshop?
- How do I set currencies and exchange rates?
- How can I write my own apps?
- What is the shop URL?
- How can I change my email address?
- How do I place a holiday message?
- When will the next update be ready?
- How can I remove the EasyWebshop link at the bottom of my shop?
- How can I change my VAT number?
- How can I change my address?
- How can I change my phone number?
- How can I protect my shop against copy?
- How do I make my webshop GDPR compliant?
- Can I get a refund?
- Where can I download my invoice?
- My photo / logo / background image does not change
- How can I choose the layout of my webshop?
- My website does not display properly
- How can I insert a banner, button, photo, image, mp3, PDF, plugin or widget?
- How do I change the browser icon (Favicon)?
- How can I change the sort order of my categories and products?
- Visitors cannot see my products immediately but see a popup first
- How can I insert HTML code?
- How can I change my homepage?
- How can I change the info and contact page?
- How can I insert a table?
- How do I create a mobile / responsive online shop?
- My slogan or logo is gone!
- Where can I find example shops and references?
- How do I change the font, font size and text color?
- How do I change the color palette?
- How do I insert a YouTube video?
- How do I add Chinese fonts?
- My customer can not create an account and/or place an order
- The total amount of my order is always €0
- There are too many steps in the checkout process
- How can I report fraud, abuse or scams?
- How do I synchronize stock to my POS?
- I can't find my website in search engines (Google, Bing, ...)
- My sales are low. What can I do?
- How can I remove my shop from Google or Bing?
- I notice a lot of false visitors in Easy Analytics
- Do I need a quality label for my shop?
Payment options
- How can my customers pay?
- I received an order but my customer didn't pay!
- How can I change my bank account number?
- Chargeback fraud by customers
- How do I connect Mollie with my webshop?
- The app for the payment provider doesn't work
Shipping costs
- Shipping costs are not added to the order or are calculated incorrectly
- How can I offer free shipping if a certain amount is purchased?
- How do I set shipping costs on a product basis?
- The app for the shipping service doesn't work
Discounts / Surcharges
- How do I give a discount on multiple products or categories?
- How can I add more than 3 discount rules?
Email settings
- Emails or newsletters do not arrive
- How can I add e-mail addresses / webmail / outlook?
- I received an e-mail: Test period ends
- My mailbox doesn't work anymore!
- How can I avoid spam?
- How do I reset my mailbox password?
- My mailbox doesn't work after a domain transfer
Domain names
- How can I register or move a personal domain name?
- Where can I find my transfercode (AUTH code / EPP code / token) of my domain name?
- Where can I enter the AUTH code (transfer code / EPP code / token) of my domain name?
- I received an e-mail ICANN ERRP
- How can I connect a domain name without transferring it?
- How can I delete a domain name?
- Introduction
- Product management
- Online store configuration
- Account and shop settings
- Payment methods and Payment Service Providers
- Invoices and Terms & Conditions
- Setting shipping costs
- Discounts and surcharges
- Registering and transferring domain names
- Multilingual shop
- Connecting to external platforms
- Personalized web addresses
- Managing multiple webshops (Multishop)
- Automatic emails to customers
- Designing a beautiful layout
- Order management
- Marketing
- Modules
- Backups and exporting data
- Email and web mail
- Administrator accounts
- High quality photos
- Two-factor authentication
- Labels
- META tags - Website verification
- Live chat
- Slideshow
- Visitor analysis - Google Analytics
- Filters
- Point Of Sale (POS)
- Form fields
- Digital or virtual products
- Symcalia reservation system
- Guestbook
- Contacting the helpdesk