Product management

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Shopping cartEasyWebshop has an advanced product management module. It offers a lot of features and ways to organize and present your catalog. It's the most important part of our application. We explain it in detail in the following sections.

Basic product management

  • Organizing your online store into categories and subcategories
  • Setting product codes, product names and descriptions
  • Setting prices
  • Setting weight and stock
  • Setting product statuses
  • Uploading photos

Advanced product management

  • Product options
  • Adding products in multiple languages
  • Related products or cross-selling
  • Product colors, variations (or properties) and personalization (or parameters)
  • Volume discounts, product labels, vouchers and customer group prices
  • Reservation system

Automation for more efficiency

  • Copying products
  • Quick edit: updating products in list format and speeding up product management
  • Bulk operations: update product prices, stock and product statuses in bulk
  • Import feature: import/update categories and products using a CSV or spreadsheet file
  • API: import/update categories and products using a JSON/XML feed

Next page: Categories and subcategories

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