Thank you customers! - Price reduction

3 September 2013, 14:00

The summer is usually a quiet period with little sales. Many people are on holiday.

For us it was a little different this summer. EasyWebshop continues to grow and is now approaching the milestone of 8.000 shops.

At the same time we notice a decrease in the number of support tickets. We see that many of our clients start their shop without having to contact us. The installation of a shop and also the domain name registration are carried out automatically after receiving the payment. As a result we need less staff for administrative tasks and answering questions.

We generate more revenue while we have less spendings. And that's good news for our customers!

Basic costs € 3,95 instead of € 4,95
Business costs € 24,95 instead of € 39,95 (!)

It is also possible now to order your shop for one month*.

Check out the new prices

The strong growth means that we must continue to invest in new servers. The quality of the hosting and fast loading times are our top priority. This price drop does not mean a drop in quality!

* A shop needs to acquire reputation and a good customer base. This takes on average 2 to 3 years. You cannot measure the result of your shop after 1 month.

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The more customers who use our platform, the cheaper we can offer the packages.


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