Receiving payments no longer need to be expensive
Good news for our customers: accepting payments is now easier and more affordable than ever. Thanks to our partnership with Mollie, we can offer our customers the following benefits:
Important update mailservers
In the past month, we have improved our infrastructure and worked on making email management more user-friendly. Upcoming weekend we will switch to new mail servers. Our old server will be shut down at the end of June.
Major update webshop apps and layout
Recently we have launched a new version of our app platform. This makes it possible to integrate webshop apps - connections with external software - faster and better in EasyWebshop.
Happy Holidays! + future vision
On behalf of EasyWebshop we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We also wish you a lot of success, new customers and orders with your webshop in 2016!
Thanks to everyone who visited us!
We look back on two successful exhibition days and a successful online shop training course!
An online shop in your pocket with EasyWebshop
Our website has a new responsive layout.
From now on you can manage your online shop on your smartphone.
EasyWebshop starts with responsive shops
Last night we have implemented a big layout update to make our shops responsive. Responsive means your website looks good on every type of screen.
Important update order statuses and shipping methods
A number of important updates were implemented in our platform. It's possible that the operation of your shop is now somewhat different. You will have to personalize some settings in the new system.
EasyWebshop is expanding!
EasyWebshop keeps growing. To follow up on the constant growth, we have added new servers to the network.
EasyWebshop stand at E-Shop Expo
Thanks to all the people who visited us at E-Shop Expo Brussels! We didn't expect so much attention to our exhibition stand. Photos can be found on Facebook.