New connections & Summer of web design

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12 June 2024, 13:00

Connections allow you to connect your webshop to various other platforms. Since the update on connections last year, all connections are available for free in the Professional and Business versions.



MultiSafepay is a payment provider offering all common payment methods. We have been working together them almost from the beginning (15 years) and they have built a solid reputation as a reliable payment provider.

MyParcel is a shipping platform that makes it economical to send parcels. The new connection makes it easy to link your webshop.

Sendcloud allows you to send parcels trough 80+ carriers and provides an easy to use platform to manage al your shipments.

Quickpay is a Danish payment provider allowing you to offer payment methods for the Scandinavian market.


Summer of web design

Starting June 21, 2024 we will organize Summer of web design for the second time. We provide custom design and development for our customers who want this extra service.

With the Pack DesignRequest, we offer custom web design so you can give your website a new look with the help of an experienced web designer.

With the Pack Development, we offer the opportunity to have custom connections and functionalities developed. A few projects we realized last summer:

  • Auction system
  • Custom connections with shipping services
  • Tailored VAT calculation based on specific needs
  • System for scanning and synchronizing inventory
  • Custom inventory and sales reports
  • Connecting webshops with external CRM applications
  • Integration of payment methods for specific markets

Summer of web design


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